Piret Jõgi Art

A dot is a start for everything

A little bit about me

My name is Piret Jõgi (officially I am Saarinen now though:)). I was born and raised in a little town called Võru in south of Estonia. I went to school there and attended the art lessons in the local art club from the 1st grade through the high school. The higher education I gained at Tallinn Pedagogical University. I am an English teacher by profession and have worked a few years teaching children as well as adults. The last recent years I worked as a training manager in a language school and IT company. At the moment I am residing in Finland.


Me in 2015

I have always loved to express myself on a piece paper. I am fascinated by nature, different shades of colours and sounds. What mostly inspire me are trees, flowers, ladybugs and butterflies. I do my works with special care and love and put my own emotions and thoughts into them. One of my favourite artist is M.C.Escher - I like the detail and out-of-limits capture in his works. The details, the ideas, technique and precision. Two of his quotes are close to my heart: "At moments of great enthusiasm it seems to me that no one in the world has ever made something this beautiful and important" and "The things I want to express are so beautiful and pure".

I mainly work with acrylics, very fine tip (0.05-0.5mm) drawing pens and paper. In addition, I experiment also with watercolour, pastels and charcoal now and then. I think one of my speciality is "dotting". The definition of "dotting" could be explained as follows: make coloured different sized dots with colour with extreme care and passion. This definition cannot be found in any dictionary. I make the dots with acrylics. I use little applicator bottles that have different sized metal tips (5, 7 and 9mm). I have also used some wooden sticks to make more robust and bigger sized dots. It is a very time-consuming and precise technique. For me it has somewhat calming and relaxing effect. Can just switch off all everyday worries and problems and focus on what I am creating. My works can be called quite abstract and minimalist. Need to take a step towards the drawing to see all the details.

I have mainly learned the techniques and skills by myself but have attended also some art courses at Tallinn Open University and Estonian Art University to try something different from my own usual drawing style and learn new things. In addition, it is a great way to learn from my fellow course mates because everyone has his/her own unique "handwriting" while drawing as well.

I think that we all have that ability within ourselves to create something beautiful both for ourselves as well as others. One does not need to be a world famous artist to create something valuable and beautiful. Sometimes all we need is to think about the receiver, put lots of good thought and love into the process of making. I believe that each of us has the ability to create art in his or her own way.


2013 December - 2014 March "Everything starts from a dot..." NGO Võluvõru, Võru, Estonia
2013 April - June "Life is a flower" Võru Kesklinna Gymnasium, Estonia
2013 January - March "Life is a flower" Võru Central Library, Estonia
2012 November - December "Life is a flower" Võru Parish, Estonia
2012 October - November "Life is a flower" Võru I Basic School, Estonia
2012 August - October "Life is a flower" Puiga Basic School, Võru, Estonia
2012 April - June "Life is a flower" Kindergarten Päkapikk, Võru, Estonia